Sprintax Calculus

Sprintax Calculus is a web-based Nonresident Alien (NRA) tax compliance system. NRAs (except for lawful permanent residents) who receive payment from the University, or who have payments made on their behalf by the University, are generally required to use Sprintax Calculus.

A Sprintax Calculus record is not required if payments only represent University business expense reimbursements, or if payments only represent qualified scholarship or fellowship.

Sprintax Calculus collects data from NRAs such as their:

  • Current immigration status
  • Country of citizenship and residence
  • Relationship with the University
  • Type of income to be received from the University
  • History of prior visits to the U.S. including immigration status and length of stay of each visit

Based on the information provided by the NRA, Sprintax Calculus can:

  • Determine tax residency
  • Determine University tax treatment of payments provided
  • Determine potential eligibility for tax treaty benefit application
  • Pre-fill tax forms (Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form W-8BEN, IRS Form 8233, etc.)
  • Prepare a Tax Summary Report

Initiating a Sprintax Calculus Record

If an NRA is aware they will receive payments from the University, or that payments will be made on their behalf, they may request the initiation of a Sprintax Calculus record using the contacts outlined below.

Employee and student NRAs should write from their University email account and provide their complete name, student or employee ID number, and type of income anticipated.

Other NRAs, within 30 days of entry into the U.S., should write from their personal email account and provide their complete name and type of income anticipated. Or, the department that is planning payment can request the initiation of a record with the provision of a name, email address, and type of income anticipated.

Employee (including student employees) Salaries/Wages Payroll Payroll
University student Non-service Scholarship/Fellowship Student Account International Student Services (ISS)
Tax Compliance
Other visitors (e.g., speakers, consultants, postdoctoral fellows, performers, non-University students, etc.) Speaker fee, honorarium, fellowship/scholarship, performance fee, royalty, prize, award, etc. Disbursement Voucher Accounts Payable

Completing a Sprintax Calculus Record

Once a Sprintax Calculus record is initiated, Sprintax Calculus will send an email to the NRA with temporary login information. The email will come from "noreply@sprintax.com", which may be directed to a Spam folder. Be sure to check there if it doesn’t arrive in their Inbox. The NRA should then:

  • Complete their record
  • Print resulting forms and reports
  • Complete any additional required fields including signature
  • Submit all documentation according to the instructions on their Tax Summary Report

Getting Started Using Sprintax

Follow the links below to watch video tutorials on how to complete specific steps in Sprintax Calculus.