
A (2) | B (1) | C (6) | E (5) | F (2) | H (1) | I (3) | O (5) | P (15) | R (1) | S (4) | T (13) | V (2) | W (2)
Form Name Description
Arizona BuyWays Return Form

To return merchandise purchased via Arizona BuyWays

Award/Prize Tax Data Collection Form

To be used when distributing awards or prizes through a drawing not related to employee recognition. The recipient maybe an employee, student, or other affiliate.

Blanket Order Questionnaire

To provide justification of Blanket Order purchases.

Certification for Off-Campus Use of Equipment

(Adobe Sign) To authorize the location or use of University and sponsored owned equipment in a building or site not owned or leased by the University.

Change Fund Custodial Agreement - Promissory Note

To establish a Change Fund Custodial Agreement when establishing a change fund in a department.

Communication Service Usage Agreement

This sample form may be used to establish an agreement about the use of communication services and equipment, such as mobile phones, pagers or internet service. The form may opened using Adobe or downloaded in Word for further editing.

Conflict of Interest Form

To disclose or determine a conflict of interest between employees and suppliers/vendors.

Conflict of Interest Form - Federal

Required to be completed by an End User or Principal Investigator with purchases using federal funds. 

Cooperating Teaching Compensation

To establish payment compensation for a cooperating (Mentor) Teacher. The top portion is completed and signed by the payee and the bottom portion is completed and by the department business office to determine distribution amount. Approvals and funding are completed in UAccess Financials on the Disbursement Voucher disbursement.

Emergency Justification Form

To provide justification for purchases under emergency circumstances.

Employee Recognition Award Compensation Form

To be completed if compensatory employee recognition awards are to be a part of the employee recognition program

Employee Reimbursement Request

To request employee reimbursement for University of Arizona active employees. This form is 'optional' if the employee prefers to sign the UAccess Financial DV Cover sheet.

Equipment Receipt Form

This form is used to notify Property Management of the receipt of donated, loaned, or sponsor provided equipment.

Equipment Use Agreement

For the use of University Equipment for Non-University Purposes

Federal Acquisition Regulation Debarment

This form is required for transactions funded by federal grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements over $30,000. 

Federal Acquisition Regulation Payments to Influence

This form is to be used for transactions funded by federal grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements over $150,000. 

Honorarium Statement

The Honorarium statement is required in order to reimburse expenses for visitors who hold certain visa types and who are not completing a Sprintax Calculus record.

Independent Contractor Form (ICON)

(Adobe Sign) For departments to determine if an individual qualifies as an independent contractor.

Inventory Certification Statement

(Adobe Sign) To certify that a true and complete Physical Inventory has been verified for the fiscal year.


To bill external customers who purchase and/or contract for goods or services from the University. This file is intended to be downloaded for long-term reuse and contains two types of invoice templates. The Catalog Invoice allows departments to pre-populate frequent customers and goods/services, which are compiled in the "Customers" and "Goods & Services" tables respectively. The Free-Form Invoice allows departments to freely enter all data directly onto the invoice.

Operational Advance Custodial Agreement – Affiliate

(Adobe Sign) Custodial Agreement for Affiliates/DCCs

Operational Advance Custodial Agreement – Employee

(Adobe Sign) Custodial Agreement for University Staff/Faculty

Operational Advance Custodial Agreement – Graduate Student

(Adobe Sign) Custodial Agreement for Graduate Students

Operational Advance Expenditure Record

To record the subject payments disbursed from an Operational Advance.

Operational Advance Request Form

(Adobe Sign) To request a new Operational Advance

PCard - Checkout Log

Handy log sheet for departments to track PCard usage. Departments may print and use this, or create their own internally following this format.

PCard - Liaison Application/Assignment

For a new department to join the PCard program and assign a Liaison, OR for an established department to add and/or remove a Liaison.

PCard - Missing Receipts Form

To be used as documentation for missing PCard receipts only if the merchant can not produce duplicate documentation.

PCard - New Cardholder Application

To apply for a new Individual or Departmental PCard.

PCard - PCDO accounting line import template

Spreadsheet template for PCDO accounting line importing

PCard - Purchase Authorization Form (Department)

For use by Departments to log PCard Purchase information - contains section for PCard Plus and Travel Enhancement use

PCard - Self-Reporting Violation form

To self-report a violation of PCard policy.

PCard - Workgroup or Account Change Request

To request a Reconciler Workgroup, modify an existing Reconciler Workgroup, or make changes to a PCard account.

PCard External Fraud Documentation

The PCard External Fraud Document form is the supporting documentation needed for transactions and the credits resulting from external fraud.

Performance Arrangement (<= $1,000)

Performance Arrangement for Entertainers at University events. Use for compensation less than or equal to $1,000.

Performance Contract (> $1,000)

Performance Contract for Entertainers at University Events. Use for compensation greater than $1,000.

Petty Cash Custodial Agreement

To establish a Petty Cash Fund Custodial Agreement when establishing a Petty Cash fund in a department

Property Management Fabricated Equipment Completion

Use this form to report the completion of a Fabrication.

Property Management Fabricated/Deliverable Equipment Request

Use this form to request a pre-assigned tag for a Fabrication or Deliverable.

PURAP Item Import

To import line items into Purchasing documents

Request Authorization to Dispose of Property (Cannibalization)

Use this form to request disposal (cannibalization) of movable assets/equipment. (Adobe Sign)

Sole Source Justification

To request authorization for purchase without competitive solicitation.

Sole Source Justification Questionnaire

To assist in determining the Sole Source Justification process

Subject Payment Form

Used to collect information from individuals receiving funds for participating in a University of Arizona research study program. May be used in place of an IRS form W-9 form.

Substantial Presence Test

To figure residency for tax purposes only for non-residence aliens. Only for work done outside of the US

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Breeding or Production Animals)

To request that a purchase of breeding or production animals be exempt from sales tax.

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Breeding or Production Feed)

To request that a purchase of breeding or production feed be exempt from sales tax

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Items for Disabled)

To request that a purchase of items for the physically or developmentally disabled be exempt from sales tax. 

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Other Deduction)

To request that a purchase using another ARS title code be exempt from sales tax. 

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Research Chemicals)

To request that a purchase of research chemicals be exempt from sales tax.

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Research Machinery or Equipment)

To request that a purchase of research machinery or equipment be exempt from sales tax

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000 - Software to Test/Assess Student Learning or to Promote Curriculum Design/Enhancement)

To request that software accessed online, rented or purchased to assess or test student learning, or to promote curriculum design or enhancement be exempt from sales tax

Tax Exemption Certificate (AZ Form 5000A - Purchase for Resale)

To request that a purchase of tangible personal property for resale be exempt from sales tax.

Technology Allowance Form

This completed form is required to be attached to the payment request in UAccess Employee for audit purposes, along with any other necessary documentation to support the justification of amount and approvals.

Travel - Non-Employee Travel Profile Request

To initiate a Travel Profile (SAP Concur) for a Student or Designated Campus Colleague (DCC) traveling on University business.

Travel Authorization Expense Worksheet (optional)

To estimate travel expenses.

Travel Authorization Form

DECOMMISSIONED. Travel Authorization Requests should now be submitted through the University Travel System. Refer to the Business Travel Start to Finish guide for additional resources.

Travel Expense Report

To finalize a trip and request partial expense reimbursement.

NOTE: You must save this document to your device before filling it out. Completing this form in your web browser will result in loss of work. We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and complete.

Vehicle Survey Certification Statement

(Adobe Sign) To inform Property Management when a department vehicle list can be downloaded from the web app platform for processing, and to provide assurance that all corrections have been made and/or noted

Vendor Information Form

Utilized by department business units to obtain required details from a vendor in order to create a PVEN vendor record in UAccess Financials. Upon creation of the vendor record, Accounts Payable will on-board the vendor with a welcome email to obtain any further information for tax reporting purposes.

W-9 (Provide University Tax ID)

This IRS Form used to provide the University's Tax Identification Number to those who will pay the University. Form may be signed by a departmental representative having financial responsibility for University funding source(s).

W-9 (Request Vendor Tax ID)

Federal Taxpayer Identification Number Request. This form is used to obtain the Taxpayer Identification Number (SSN or EIN) from a vendor to whom the University will pay. Also known as a Substitute W-9.