Forms - C

A (2) | B (1) | C (6) | E (5) | F (2) | H (1) | I (3) | O (5) | P (15) | R (1) | S (4) | T (13) | V (2) | W (2)
Form Name Description
Certification for Off-Campus Use of Equipment

(Adobe Sign) To authorize the location or use of University and sponsored owned equipment in a building or site not owned or leased by the University.

Change Fund Custodial Agreement - Promissory Note

To establish a Change Fund Custodial Agreement when establishing a change fund in a department.

Communication Service Usage Agreement

This sample form may be used to establish an agreement about the use of communication services and equipment, such as mobile phones, pagers or internet service. The form may opened using Adobe or downloaded in Word for further editing.

Conflict of Interest Form

To disclose or determine a conflict of interest between employees and suppliers/vendors.

Conflict of Interest Form - Federal

Required to be completed by an End User or Principal Investigator with purchases using federal funds. 

Cooperating Teaching Compensation

To establish payment compensation for a cooperating (Mentor) Teacher. The top portion is completed and signed by the payee and the bottom portion is completed and by the department business office to determine distribution amount. Approvals and funding are completed in UAccess Financials on the Disbursement Voucher disbursement.