Forms - I

A (2) | B (1) | C (6) | E (5) | F (2) | H (1) | I (3) | O (5) | P (15) | R (1) | S (4) | T (13) | V (2) | W (2)
Form Name Description
Independent Contractor Form (ICON)

(Adobe Sign) For departments to determine if an individual qualifies as an independent contractor.

Inventory Certification Statement

(Adobe Sign) To certify that a true and complete Physical Inventory has been verified for the fiscal year.


To bill external customers who purchase and/or contract for goods or services from the University. This file is intended to be downloaded for long-term reuse and contains two types of invoice templates. The Catalog Invoice allows departments to pre-populate frequent customers and goods/services, which are compiled in the "Customers" and "Goods & Services" tables respectively. The Free-Form Invoice allows departments to freely enter all data directly onto the invoice.