Forms - E

A (2) | B (1) | C (6) | E (5) | F (2) | H (1) | I (3) | O (5) | P (15) | R (1) | S (4) | T (13) | V (2) | W (2)
Form Name Description
Emergency Justification Form

To provide justification for purchases under emergency circumstances.

Employee Recognition Award Compensation Form

To be completed if compensatory employee recognition awards are to be a part of the employee recognition program

Employee Reimbursement Request

To request employee reimbursement for University of Arizona active employees. This form is 'optional' if the employee prefers to sign the UAccess Financial DV Cover sheet.

Equipment Receipt Form

This form is used to notify Property Management of the receipt of donated, loaned, or sponsor provided equipment.

Equipment Use Agreement

For the use of University Equipment for Non-University Purposes