Forms - P

A (2) | B (1) | C (6) | E (5) | F (2) | H (1) | I (3) | O (5) | P (14) | R (1) | S (4) | T (13) | V (2) | W (2)
Form Name Description
PCard - Checkout Log

Handy log sheet for departments to track PCard usage. Departments may print and use this, or create their own internally following this format.

PCard - Liaison Application/Assignment

For a new department to join the PCard program and assign a Liaison, OR for an established department to add and/or remove a Liaison.

PCard - Missing Receipts Form

To be used as documentation for missing PCard receipts only if the merchant can not produce duplicate documentation.

PCard - New Cardholder Application

To apply for a new Individual or Departmental PCard.

PCard - PCDO accounting line import template

Spreadsheet template for PCDO accounting line importing

PCard - Purchase Authorization Form (Department)

For use by Departments to log PCard Purchase information - contains section for PCard Plus and Travel Enhancement use

PCard - Self-Reporting Violation form

To self-report a violation of PCard policy.

PCard - Workgroup or Account Change Request

To request a Reconciler Workgroup, modify an existing Reconciler Workgroup, or make changes to a PCard account.

Performance Arrangement (<= $1,000)

Performance Arrangement for Entertainers at University events. Use for compensation less than or equal to $1,000.

Performance Contract (> $1,000)

Performance Contract for Entertainers at University Events. Use for compensation greater than $1,000.

Petty Cash Custodial Agreement

To establish a Petty Cash Fund Custodial Agreement when establishing a Petty Cash fund in a department

Property Management Fabricated Equipment Completion

Use this form to report the completion of a Fabrication.

Property Management Fabricated/Deliverable Equipment Request

Use this form to request a pre-assigned tag for a Fabrication or Deliverable.

PURAP Item Import

To import line items into Purchasing documents