Physical Inventory

Inventory Process Summary

  1. Review your department's Asset Custodian Groups and make any necessary edits
  2. Complete the Inventory Process Training in EDGE Learning
  3. Join the FNSV Property-Physical Inventory team in Microsoft Teams. Confirmed asset custodians are pre-added to this team so if you do not have access, please send a request and you will be added. This team is where all inventory related documents, submissions, and requests are located.
  4. Conduct the inventory for all ORGs assigned to you within the provided timeframe using the following MS Team channels:
    • Channel 1, Conduct Inventory with Worksheet: Retrieve the list of all equipment for each ORG to be inventoried by your department.
    • Channel 2, Report Asset Issues: Create tickets to report assets from your inventory list that are determined to be: sent to surplus, not found, transferred, traded in, cannibalized, stolen, or located off campus. Other miscellaneous issues can also be communicated here via the ticket system.
    • Channel 3, Submit Inventory Certification Statement: Find instructions on submitting the Inventory Certification Statement required to complete the inventory process.
    • Additional channels are available for requesting duplicate tags and updating asset custodian information.
  5. Inventory is considered complete when your department’s ORG worksheets are complete, all asset issues are reported along with appropriate backup documentation, and the Inventory Certification Statements are submitted.

Inventory Timeline

Departments review and edit the Asset Custodian GroupsComplete no later than Jan 12
Inventory Process Training (Select class via EDGE Learning)Complete no later than Feb 28
Departments conduct Physical InventoryMar 1 - May 31
Inventory reports with the Inventory Certification Statement must be submitted to Property ManagementMay 31
Property Management Inventory Review and Reconciliation periodJun 1 - Jun 30


Property Management conducts limited on-site verification of existence of equipment and accuracy of recorded UAccess Financials information in accordance with regulatory requirements. Departments selected for verification will be notified in order to schedule a visit.

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