Merchant Training and Compliance

PCI-DSS Security Awareness Training

Payment Card Council Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) requires all personnel that handle, have control of website information, or may come in contact with bank/credit card information MUST attend bank/credit card security awareness training. We assist with the development of staff awareness training, offer group/individual training, and online training. A log of all department security awareness training and staff acknowledgment forms/certificates are kept in the merchant department’s compliance documents.


Online Training In-Person Training
PCI-DSS Security Awareness Training
(EDGE Learning) Self-paced online training.
This can be used as the mandatory annual staff training.
Individual and Group Bank/Credit Card
Security Awareness Training- Provide the necessary staff awareness training mandatory by PCI-DSS.
  PCI Compliance Documentation
Review Department compliance documentation
  PCI Validation Assessment Preparation
Organize and review necessary merchant documents for a successful compliance validation assessment

To discuss training options or set up individual/group training, contact

Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal Training

Upon the receipt of the POS equipment, the merchant must contact Bank of America support services at 1-800-430-7161 for training. If additional assistance is needed with the equipment, please contact