15.1 Activation
An Individual Cardholder must call the 1-800 number on the sticker of the PCard to activate the card. This automated line will prompt the Cardholder for the credit card number, social security number (use an Employee Identification Number, not a social security number) and mother's maiden name (if mother's maiden name was not used, enter chosen password). Please contact your Liaison for the password if unknown.
Department PCards will be activated by the PCard Office upon receipt of signature confirmation Activation Form.
Individual PCards should be signed by the Cardholder upon receipt.
Department Cards should not have an individual's signature on them.
All PCards that are mailed to Liaisons/Individuals require the return of a signature confirmation Activation Form to the PCard Office to complete the activation process.
15.2 Renewal
The PCard is valid until the last day of the month in which it expires. The PCard will automatically be renewed before the expiration date. Bank of America will mail the replacement PCard directly to the Cardholder. The Cardholder must call the 1-800 number on the sticker of the PCard to activate the card. This automated line will prompt the Cardholder for the credit card number (on the face of the card), social security number (use an Employee Identification Number, not a social security number). The card has been activated when the automated line provides the available balance on the card.