Time Reporting Deadlines

To ensure that everyone gets paid accurately and on time, new payroll timelines have been established. By implementing these new timelines and reducing the number of exceptions processed, we can help departments ensure their employees are paid without delay.

Employees (Time Reporters) and Supervisors (Time Approvers)

Effective 5/31/2010, employees (time reporters) must report their time by 10:00 a.m. on the Friday of a non-pay week. Supervisors (time approvers) must approve time by 5:00 p.m. on that same day.

Some departments have weekend workers. In these cases, employees (time reporters) must record their time by 11:59 p.m. Sunday evening and time approvers (supervisors) must approve time by 10:00 a.m. the following Monday morning.

Time reported or approved after these deadlines will be paid during the next pay period.

Time Coordinators

Under the new timelines, coordinators will need to ensure that all time has been approved and all exception hours have been submitted by 10:00 a.m. Monday morning. The deadline, to ensure all time has been approved and exceptions have been cleaned up, will be 11:45 a.m. Time entries and/or approvals made after 12:00 p.m. on pay week Mondays will be processed in the next payroll cycle. This will result in the employee being paid for those hours on the following pay date. Please ensure that your time coordinators and backup time approvers are available to assist employees whose time approvers may have failed to approve their time.

Feedback from the University community has been invaluable in helping us to develop these timelines. Our respective offices will continue to work with department and college representatives to address time reporting concerns and challenges.

Employee Schedule Type Timesheet Due Time Approver Due Time Coordinator Due
Regular non-weekend hours 10 am Friday 5 pm Friday 10:00 am Monday
Regular with weekend hours 11:59 pm Sunday 10 am Monday 11:45 am Monday
Interface file departments Deadlines set by Dept. Deadlines set by Dept. 11:45 am Monday