GEC versus DI Guide

General Error Correction (GEC) versus Distribution of Income and Expense (DI)

GECTo correct erroneous accounting string data for general ledger entries generated from other financial transactions.
  • Provides an audit trail connecting the original accounting lines to the corrected accounting lines
  • Validates the accounting string data of the original entry for reversal
  • Ensures you do not move an entry more than once
  • Requires that you reallocate the entire amount of a posted entry (i.e. if only a portion of the entry needs to be moved, requires the other portion be reallocated back to where it originally posted)
DITo distribute the income or expense, assets and liabilities from a holding account to one or more appropriate accounts when one account has incurred expenses or received income on behalf of one or more other accounts.
  • Allows you to move from one accounting line to many accounting lines (and vice-versa)
  • Allows you to move only a portion of a posted accounting entry
  • Does not prevent you from distributing a single amount more than once
  • Is not associated with the originating transaction

What is “accounting string data?”

  • Account, sub-account, object, sub-object, project code values

What constitutes “erroneous?”

  • Incorrect account, sub-account, object, sub-object and project code values
  • Accounting string data was missing from the posted transaction

General Guidance

Use the GEC...

  • If the accounting string data on the original entry was not correct and you need to “correct,” “reclassify,” or “move” the transaction
  • To correct the account, sub-account, object, sub-object and project code to which a transaction is posted
  • Always complete the error certification tab to document what is being corrected even when it is not required

Common GEC uses:

  • Reverse current year use tax
  • Incorrect account (sub-account) or object code (sub-object) was used
  • Forgot to include T# in Org Ref ID for travel
  • Forgot to include a project code on original transaction
  • Correct PCard transaction that auto-approved
The GEC must be used for sponsored accounts

Use the DI...

  • If the accounting string data on the original entry was correct and you are now creating additional entries to “allocate” or “distribute” the entry
  • To distribute a lump sum transaction (income or expense) to multiple accounts, sub-accounts, objects, sub-objects or project codes

Common DI uses:

  • Distribute a deposit that posted to a holding account to various accounts
  • Reallocate expense that hit a clearing account to departmental accounts
  • Distribute a deposit to revenue object codes
  • Monthly (or quarterly) allocations of revenues or expenses
  • Allocate a portion of an expense to another account
  • Allocate a lump sum of income or expense to a sub-account or project code
  • Reverse prior year use tax
The DI may not be used for sponsored account expense transfers, with the exception of prior year transfers that cannot be processed on a GEC. An error certification form must be attached to the DI justifying the expense transfer.