Newly Approved Facilities and Administrative Rates

The University has completed negotiations for the new Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates with our cognizant agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Cost Allocation Services. These rates are approved through fiscal year 2027.

To view the newly updated F&A rate agreement and other information, please visit our Facilities & Administrative Costs and Rates page

This multi-year project provides approximately $100 million in annual F&A funding recovery to the University, which is crucial for faculty retention, bridge funding, start-up funding, strategic research initiatives, and F&A support services. 

The F&A rates proposal negotiation was based on fiscal year 2019 data. The next base year for negotiations is fiscal year 2026, which is due to the entities listed above by December 31, 2026.

Please note: Due to staffing issues and the COVID-19 pandemic, along with University-requested extensions through fiscal year 2020, the last negotiated rates were more than four years ago. For more information, please visit the Facilities & Administrative Costs page linked above. 

The preparation of an F&A proposal would not be possible without collaborative support and participation from multiple areas of the University. We extend our gratitude to all who assisted, including Research, Innovation & Impact, central administrative support units, facility support units, college administrative units, and auxiliary units.  

For questions about the new rates, please contact Stacey Lemos at or 520-621-0690.

This communication was also sent to the Provost and Chief Financial Officer for visibility.