Fiscal Year 2024 Unclaimed Automated Clearing House and Wire Payments

Throughout a fiscal year, the University receives Automated Clearing House (ACH) and wire payments that are posted in the UAccess Financials Electronic Payment Claim area. There are currently 878 unclaimed payments totaling $1,176,398.63. These payments must be claimed in the fiscal year they are made.

Please review this document for any potential payments that belong to your department. If so, please claim the ACH or wire payment via the Electronic Payment Claim screen in UAccess Financials before the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2024.

If you are unsure whether a payment belongs to your department, you can review the ACH/wire information in UAccess Analytics or contact Cash and Clearing at the email below.

Additional information can be found in the UAccess Financials Reference Guide under Section 4a: Receiving Cash, Checks, and Electronic Payments.

For questions or assistance, please contact Cash and Clearing at