Accounts Payable is excited to announce a new secure upload feature available for users to submit forms that contain information considered to be regulated data such as social security numbers, credit card numbers or financial banking information. This secure method follows guidance set forth by the International Standards Organization regarding protection of personally identifiable information.
Forms such as the Independent Contractor Form (ICON), Accounts Payable ACH form and vendor W9’s may be uploaded to this website, which utilizes Box@UA to store the documents in an encrypted location. Accounts Payable staff retrieve the documents from this location and follow established internal processes to continue the chain of custody in an encrypted manner. We’ve also included a tutorial that illustrates how to use the secure upload feature.
This method does not replace the current policy requirements of attaching supporting documentation to a Disbursement Voucher and/or submitting original itemized receipts with a DV Cover sheet.
Please contact Accounts Payable at 520-621-9097 or if you have any questions.