Policy 14.18 Coronavirus Travel Authorization has been decommissioned and policy 14.10 Travel Authorization has been updated. Please be sure to read the policy in its entirety to learn about these updates, including:
- Addition of CDC resources to inform University travelers on current health and safety guidelines
- Travel Authorization approvals are no longer required by the Department Head, Chair, or Director, and can now be delegated to Travel Supervisor and/or business office within the college or unit
- Unallowable expenditures for employee travel to campus from remote work locations
- Travel Authorization is not required to attend a virtual conference
- Updated Supplemental COVID-19 Travel section previously found in policy 14.18 to reflect these changes:
- Traveler responsibility to cancel or postpone travel if experiencing symptoms or exposed to COVID-19
- Traveler requirement to evaluate health conditions at their destination
- Potential responsibility of traveler to self-quarantine while traveling and the costs associated
For any questions regarding the updates to University policy, please contact Accounts Payable at 520-621-9097 or accts_pay@fso.arizona.edu.