Business Offices News

Join the University Business Offices email list to receive information about the UAccess Financials system, applicable policies and procedures, and important notices from Financial Services to University of Arizona business offices. NOTE: Employees with Business and Administrative User Access (Role 54) are automatically subscribed to this list. All other employees may opt-in using the Subscribe link.

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Here are the upcoming fiscal year-end activity due dates.

Posted under Fiscal Year End

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Throughout a fiscal year, the University receives Automated Clearing House (ACH) and wire payments that are posted in the UAccess Financials Electronic Payment Claim area.

Posted under Accounting Services

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Here are the upcoming fiscal year-end activity due dates.

Posted under Fiscal Year End

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ERE rates for fiscal year 2024-25 have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Cost Allocation Services and will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

Posted under Accounting Services

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Here are the upcoming fiscal year-end activity due dates.

Posted under Fiscal Year End

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Policy 14.10 Travel Authorization has been updated to align with the new Travel System and Booking Tool recently introduced to campus.

Posted under Travel

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Here are the upcoming fiscal year-end activity due dates.

Posted under Fiscal Year End

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Effective July 1, 2024, and affecting transactions in fiscal year 2024-25, Financial Services and the Office of Budget and Planning will be making the following changes

Posted under Accounting Services, UAccess Financials